Pixies, part 12: Ship It!

Environment values in the browser So we want dynamically specify the api URL in the frontend application running in the container, preferably taken from the environment values. The thing is that the frontend application runs in the browser on the user’s machine. You wouldn’t want (and couldn’t) to hijack the user’s browser to set some environment value there, obviously. So what do we do? Remember, when we made our nginx to listen on the PORT specified with the environment variable - we essentially modified the nginx’s config in the boot. [Read More]

Pixies, part 3: Go Live

Source control Now it is a good time to add everything to the git repository if you haven’t done that yet. Create a .gitignore file which contains the stuff you don’t want to check in. Her’s mine: node_modules build .vscode Now check in your project. You know the drill: git init git add -A git commit -m "initial commit" Heroku In this module we are going to deploy our frontend application so the whole world can admire our doing-nothing application. [Read More]